University campuses in Texas and elsewhere around the country often undergo major renovation projects to update buildings on their campuses. Construction crews are brought in to conduct the projects, along with equipment, machinery and materials to do the job. Unfortunately, workplace accidents are not uncommon when the hazards of the job site are considered. A death recently occurred on a campus construction site.
A 35-year-old employee of a contractor was working on the campus of a university in another state. The company had been contracted by the university to renovate a campus building used for classes. The man was at work on the second floor of the building where equipment was being used to move and position limestone above a door, according to reports. Evidently, a 6-foot piece of limestone hit the man’s head and chest.
Co-workers began administering CPR to the injured man before emergency medical personnel arrived on the scene. The man’s death was confirmed by university officials. The coroner’s office stated that an autopsy has been scheduled in the ongoing investigation of the incident.
Renovations on the building were to include installing new heating and cooling systems, as well as cleaning the limestone walls outside. The project was estimated at approximately $36 million. The university’s police department and county coroner’s office participated in the investigation.
Workplace accidents can occur in any type of industry or in any size of company. The organization may even have well-defined safety procedures in place. However, there could be situations where equipment is faulty or out-of-date, safety guidelines are not communicated or potential hazards have not been posted. A Texas personal injury lawyer can help someone determine if action should be taken against an employer. A successful lawsuit can help victims or survivors by providing compensation for medical or funeral expenses.
Source:, “Construction worker killed by falling limestone on IU campus“, Abby Tonsing, April 25, 2018