Children’s products have some of the most stringent safety regulations surrounding them. Parents in Texas and elsewhere around the nation pay close attention when news come out about defective products they may be using for their children. When reports of malfunctions and accidents occur, companies are typically quick to recall the products until the situations are remedied. However, a major manufacturer of various childcare products has refused to issue a recall for one of its items, thus prompting a complaint from a government organization.
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission recently filed a lawsuit against Britax Child Safety Inc. Britax, a global company that makes car seats, strollers and high chairs, stated that it would not recall a jogging stroller, despite reports of injuries to adults and children. Reports show that strollers’ front wheels have become detached on roughly 200 occasions. Almost 100 injuries have occurred as a result of the wheel detachment.
Injuries that have resulted from the stroller included concussions, dental injuries, contusions and abrasions. Others have experienced torn ligaments and fractured bones. The safety commission report indicated that the injuries are possible when the wheel detaches and the stroller tips over.
The company argues that the stroller is not defective and is safe if used as directed. Its officials state that the products have undergone extensive safety testing and meet all guidelines. The complaint issued against Britax asks that the public be made aware of the defects and that the company halt distribution of the models involved.
Serious injuries are certainly possible when defective products are in use. When someone has been injured from using a company’s products, he or she may wish to pursue litigation against the business. A Texas personal injury attorney can help individuals understand their options and determine how best to proceed with the legal process. A successful lawsuit can provide families with compensation to offset medical expenses, hospital bills and other damages associated with the injuries suffered.
Source:, “Consumer Product Safety Commission sues Britax for failing to recall jogging strollers“, Thomas Russell, Feb. 19, 2018