Auto Recalls of the Week

Auto Recalls of the Week We like to imagine new cars as flawless and safe, but not even cars rolling off the assembly line are perfect. Cars constantly get recalled for problems and defects, some of which threaten to cause accidents. The Wyatt Law Firm compiled a list of this week’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) auto recalls, and […]

Alleged fall in a parking lot results in premises liability suit

Alleged fall in a parking lot results in premises liability suit Texas residents are privileged to have an abundance of stores and shops to provide them with plenty of choices to meet their needs. The vast majority of these public establishments offer convenience and a safety for customers, thanks to premises liability laws. These laws state that business and property owners must provide a safe environment for all lawful visitors. Unfortunately, not all property and business owners adhere to these […]

CO Poisoning: Why Maintaining Your Appliances Can Save Your Life

CO Poisoning: Why Maintaining Your Appliances Can Save Your Life You may not think much of a furnace that groans or occasionally belches some exhaust, but what if it’s leaking extremely toxic gas that you can’t see, smell, or taste into your house? It’s possible, and you should beware. Carbon monoxide (CO) gas comes from combustion (burning) and is responsible for the most poisonings each […]

Chronic Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Chronic Carbon Monoxide Poisoning You wouldn’t willingly inhale a hefty whiff of tailpipe exhaust every morning after breakfast – you’d have to be crazy! But what if you were breathing something similarly toxic without knowing it? Carbon monoxide (CO) – a colorless, odorless, tasteless, deadly gas – is a byproduct from burning fuels. It is extremely harmful with cumulative, damaging […]

Subdural hematoma is a danger in car accidents

Subdural hematoma is a danger in car accidents The violent impact of a car accident can result in severe injuries, including traumatic brain injury. While you might heal from a concussion or a laceration, any head trauma involves the danger of a subdural hematoma – bleeding on the brain – which can be life-threatening. A subdural hematoma must be treated immediately. It is […]

Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning We know that one bite from a cobra can kill since its venom is toxic to humans. But did you know that a one-time exposure to the poisonous gas carbon monoxide can do the same thing? Scariest of all: we only see cobras at the zoo, but carbon monoxide is around us every day, and […]

Diagnosing and treating carbon monoxide poisoning

Diagnosing and treating carbon monoxide poisoning Carbon monoxide (CO) is a dangerous and extremely toxic gas that you cannot see, smell, or taste. When someone gets CO poisoning, the CO binds to the hemoglobin in the blood and prevents oxygen from being distributed to the body. Hypoxia is the result, and it can cause organ failure, permanent brain damage, and even […]

How do you detect carbon monoxide in the air?

How do you detect carbon monoxide in the air? We measure length with a ruler, weight with a scale, and temperature with a thermometer, but how do you measure for the colorless, odorless, tasteless, and extremely toxic gas – carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide (CO) is a common compound produced by burning fuels, and it can be lethal to humans and pets who inhale too […]

High-risk groups: who’s most at risk for carbon monoxide poisoning?

High-risk groups: who’s most at risk for carbon monoxide poisoning? Carbon monoxide (also known by its chemical formula “CO”) is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, and non-irritating gas produced by burning fuels. When a person inhales it, CO binds to the hemoglobin in the blood and rapidly cuts off the body’s oxygen supply. Acute poisoning can kill a person in minutes. Toxicologists consider CO one of […]

Will futuristic wearables prevent workplace accidents?

Will futuristic wearables prevent workplace accidents? Every year, thousands of construction workers nationwide, including Texas, seek financial assistance through the workers’ compensation systems of their states. They work in a hazardous industry, and workplace accidents are almost par for the course. Now, futuristic wearables for different purposes are being developed to prevent many work-related injuries while also focused on increasing profitability and […]


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