EpiPen manufacturer accused of ignoring defective products

EpiPen manufacturer accused of ignoring defective products Life-threatening allergies are an incredibly stressful aspect of everyday life for many people across Texas. When some individuals are exposed to an allergen, it is truly a life or death situation. For many, the first line of defense is an EpiPen, which can give them enough time to get to the hospital for proper treatment. […]

Woman files premises liability lawsuit after 7 story fall

Woman files premises liability lawsuit after 7 story fall When a company opens a parking garage to the public, it is generally responsible for maintaining a safe environment for everyone nearby. If hazardous or unsafe conditions lead to an accident, the result could be catastrophic. A woman has recently filed a premises liability lawsuit against a company after a faulty cable barrier reportedly allowed […]

Defective products: $417M verdict against Johnson & Johnson

Defective products: $417M verdict against Johnson & Johnson Women in Texas and across the country are paying close attention to thousands of lawsuits that have been filed against Johnson & Johnson. While many of the lawsuits — claiming the company has been marketing dangerous and defective talcum powder products for many years — have been dismissed, juries in some cases have awarded significant […]

Did a defective product cause you harm? You have rights.

Did a defective product cause you harm? You have rights. When you purchase a product for your home, yourself, or another member of your family, it is with the expectation that the product is safe and will not cause harm. However, there are times that dangerous or defective products cause harm to innocent consumers, and if this happened to your family, you may be wondering […]

Workplace accidents: Heavy machine overturns, kills worker

Workplace accidents: Heavy machine overturns, kills worker Heavy-duty vehicles play a significant role in many areas of construction, potentially causing workers in Texas and elsewhere to grow accustomed to operating them on a daily basis. With the size and weight of such machinery, there is also an inherent level of risk involved. Workplace accidents involving similar vehicles can be dangerous, potentially leading […]

The human element in airplane disasters

The human element in airplane disasters Whether it’s a long flight across the country or a short jaunt across Texas, an airline flight requires you to place your trust in many factors over which you have no control. You must trust that the plane is in good working condition, the pilot is well rested and competent, and the crew is capable […]

When an accident causes the loss of a limb

When an accident causes the loss of a limb An accident that results in a devastating injury can affect a person for the rest of his or her life. If that injury resulted in the loss of a limb, the victim’s recovery may be long and difficult. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that over 500 people in this country become victims […]

Premises liability lawsuit: $300,000 for woman injured in fall

Premises liability lawsuit: $300,000 for woman injured in fall Property owners in Texas and elsewhere are responsible for maintaining a safe environment free of hazards to prevent accidents and injuries. When potential risks are made known, those responsible usually choose to address the issue as quickly as possible. However, sometimes these warnings are ignored, and eventually someone might suffer the consequences, which could in […]

A chemical burn can place your vision at risk

A chemical burn can place your vision at risk You wear safety goggles at work because you know the dangers of the chemicals you work with and the consequences of getting those substances in your eyes. However, in one split second, the chemicals were in your face, and your eyes began to burn. Thankfully, your job site has an eye wash station where co-workers […]

Workplace accidents can have disastrous financial ramifications

Workplace accidents can have disastrous financial ramifications Working in and around heavy machinery and equipment at a construction site inherently has its risks. Such equipment might make a great deal of construction work in Texas and elsewhere significantly less difficult to perform, but heavy machines mixed with unstable ground could result in disastrous workplace accidents. A recent construction accident in another state […]


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