Many trucking crashes are preventable

Many trucking crashes are preventable 20 Tips for Preventing a Truck Accident in Texas Many trucking crashes are preventable. Any type of motor vehicle accident can be horrific, but commercial trucking collisions are often among the worst crashes that occur. Truck crashes can cause the destruction of a vehicle and catastrophic injury to the human body. Like crashes involving passenger […]

18-Wheeler Jackknife In Texas

18-Wheeler Jackknife In Texas 18-wheeler crashes are an unfortunate reality for Texas drivers each day.   Case Details In February 2020, a Border Patrol agent was traveling on FM 3338 in Webb County, Texas. A defendant driver was operating a Freightliner tractor-trailer in the opposite direction at 74.5 mph in a 45-mph construction zone approaching a curve. As a […]

Are you familiar with these overlooked causes of truck accidents?

Are you familiar with these overlooked causes of truck accidents? When operating a motor vehicle, you understand that you have to share the road with others, including commercial trucks. The more knowledge you have of truck accidents, the easier it is to adjust your approach with the idea of avoiding trouble. For example, you should avoid blind spots and watch for truckers who may not […]

Avoid these ‘blind spots’ that 18-wheeler drivers have

Avoid these ‘blind spots’ that 18-wheeler drivers have Every motor vehicle has blind spots — those areas that do not let the driver see if there is another vehicle there. For most cars, trucks and SUVs, the rear-view mirror mounted near the drivers-side seat and the side mirrors near the front doors are enough to make up for these zones. But tractor-trailers are […]

Man suffers catastrophic injuries in pickup truck crash

Man suffers catastrophic injuries in pickup truck crash When an accident results in life-threatening injuries, it is often necessary for emergency responders to transport the victim to a medical facility that is most capable of handling the kinds of injuries the victim has suffered. Not every emergency room in Texas has the equipment or personnel trained to handle catastrophic injuries, and in these […]

Hit-and-run trucking accident kills woman in San Antonio

Hit-and-run trucking accident kills woman in San Antonio Recently, an accident on one of San Antonio’s busiest roads resulted in the death of a woman when her vehicle was struck from behind by an 18-wheeler. The accident happened early in the morning, around 5:30 A.M. The vehicles were traveling on I-10, eastbound, when the collision occurred. The driver of the semi ran into […]

Could self-driving 18-wheelers bring an end to commercial big rig wrecks?

Could self-driving 18-wheelers bring an end to commercial big rig wrecks? As we all know, San Antonio has interstate highways roaring around the city and cutting through it, carrying travelers and big trucks in and out. Like all major American cities, we depend on those 18-wheelers to bring groceries, medical supplies and many other essential goods that are especially important in these uncertain times. Unfortunately, those […]

Texas dram shop laws: When is an alcohol provider responsible?

Texas dram shop laws: When is an alcohol provider responsible? Dram shop laws, also known as social host liability laws, hold alcohol providers partially responsible for the actions of drunken recipients in certain situations. Dram shop laws for Texas are outlined in the Alcoholic Beverage Code. In Texas law, there are two outstanding actions for which an alcohol provider can be held responsible: Providing alcohol […]

What is fatigued driving, and why don’t I hear about it?

What is fatigued driving, and why don’t I hear about it? Did you know that fatigued driving causes over 100,000 accidents every year? Even worse, researchers believe the known figures of fatigue-related accidents are likely underreported. Trucking accident researcher Ronald Knipling (p. 160) has noted that “in-depth investigations consistently uncover about three fatigue-related crashes for every one designated by the police”[1]. The personal injury lawyers at Wyatt […]

Asleep at the wheel: the dangers of fatigued driving

Asleep at the wheel: the dangers of fatigued driving “You drive lousy when you drive drowsy.” Fatigued and drowsy driving is a serious problem in Texas, which sustains some of the highest drowsy driving deaths in the nation. A study conducted by indicates that more than 1 in 5 of national driver fatigue-related fatalities in 2016 occurred in Texas. At Wyatt Law Firm, […]


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