San Antonio Stryker Hip Recall Attorneys

Are You One Of Many Suffering From Stryker Hip Replacement Failure?

Total hip replacement (THR) involves surgically removing arthritic bone ends and damaged cartilage and replacing them with hip implants designed to replicate hip joint function. When the hip replacement is properly designed, there is no problem. When the hip replacement has design issues, however, the patient suffers painfully. In many cases, limbs are noticeably shortened - a disturbing side effect. The patient might experience:
  • Loss of mobility
  • Pain
  • Inflammation
  • Adverse local tissue reaction
  • Dislocation
  • Joint instability
  • Broken bones around the components
  • Leg length discrepancy
  • Need for revision surgery

Stryker Hip Hazard Alert Issued and Recall Announced

Recipients of Stryker's LFIT Anatomic CoCr V40 femoral heads have reported many problems. The heads are showing a high occurrence of taper lock failures in patients. Some patients experience warning symptoms that the device is not working right - pain, swelling and reduced mobility. Results are severe in some cases, and spontaneous dislocation can require emergency intervention. Hip replacement failures have been so common that Stryker has issued a "hazard alert" for these defective products - meaning many of the devices must be removed, requiring a second painful, costly and debilitating surgery. Stryker has written to orthopaedic surgeons who have implanted LFIT Anatomic CoCr V40 femoral heads to provide further information about the problem and informing them of potential hazards including:
  • Disassociation of the femoral head from the hip stem
  • Fractured hip stem trunnion
  • Increased metallic debris
  • Insufficient range of movement
  • Insufficient soft tissue tension
  • Noise
  • Loss of implant
  • Bone fixation strength
  • Increased wear debris (polymetric)
Stryker Hip Recall A recall for some sizes of Stryker's LFIT Anatomic CoCR V40 femoral heads was issued in the United States in May 2018. Wyatt Law Firm Ltd. is a San Antonio personal injury firm whose lawyers have extensive experience obtaining compensation for defective products in both medical and nonmedical areas. Medical device cases can be complex and require attention to detail. We are one of the first firms locally to move on problems with Stryker's LFIT Anatomic CoCr V40 femoral heads. If you or someone you love has experienced the pain of Stryker hip replacement failure, contact a lawyer at Wyatt Law Firm in San Antonio. We can help you back on your feet financially. Call our office at 210-340-5550 at your earliest convenience to schedule a consultation. We will review your Stryker hip implant recall case at no charge and without obligation and chart a course toward maximum compensation for all you have been through. Se habla español.


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